Miley wants to invite aspiring designers to submit their best graphic artwork* for a hoodie. One winner will have the incredible opportunity to have their artwork produced and featured on Miley Cyrus' newest merchandise item, produced by MoJo.
The winner will receive a cash prize along with a specialized Facebook post and tweet to Miley's 26 million + fans. In addition, the winner, five runners-up and highest voted artist will have their winning submissions featured on for fellow fans to like, tag, share and comment on.
Artwork may consist of graphic designs, photographs, paintings, illustrations, drawings, or collages. All artwork must be original and submitted in high-res.
- Design must be designed to print on the back of the hoodie. Small logo to be printed in top left corner of the front of the hoodie.
- Submissions must be designed on the template provided.
The winning design will receive a cash prize of $1,500. In addition, the winner will receive:
- The first pressed merchandise item signed by Miley Cyrus
- A feature on
- A framed copy of their artwork
- A featured post on Miley's social network sites (facebook, twitter) that will reach over 26 million fans
Five runners-up, as selected by Miley Cyrus, will each receive:
- Their artwork featured on
- A framed copy of their artwork
- $500
The highest voted artist will receive:
- A feature on
- Complementary merchandise item
- A framed copy of their artwork
- $500
Submit by: October 25, 2012
Vote: October 26, 2012 10am PST - November 2, 2012 10am PST
Winner Announced: November 9, 2012
Design Contest editorial via Talenthouse, go here to participate in the contest and submit your designs.
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